Thursday, March 5, 2009

Piano Day

Today is piano lesson day. So since A is a procrastinator like her mama, she is practicing now before starting her schoolwork. Classic. F just brought me a couple of trains (Edward and James to be exact) that need new batteries. G is walking around with his thumb in his mouth and the other hand down the back of his big boy underwear, even though this particular pair doesn't have a 'silky tag', it's become a habit now. I"m sitting on the computer when I should be showering/cleaning up breakfast, but at least I've got the twins' schoolwork checked and media cards distributed.

The in-laws dropped off a hanging basket grow kit with strawberry seeds, last night while I was catching up on sleep. I've got a black thumb, though I'd love to be able to grow stuff. I'm pretty sure that if I have one of the girls actually deposit the seeds into the soil, they will grow. So that's the plan.

Gotta go clean up pee off the bathroom floor. Apparently G is holding something against me.

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