Well, since I *did* title my blog, 'Many2Knit4', I thought it was probably time for some knitting content. That gorgeous yarn you see here, Fleece Artist Trail Socks in Aurora (purchased at The Loopy Ewe, is currently being knitted into my new favorite socks.
Now, there was a bit of drama regarding the pattern of these new favorite socks. I was participating in the Sock Knitters Anonymous KAL on Ravelry, and one of the theme options was a sock published in an online magazine. I use Knitty all the time, so wanted to try something from a different mag. I fell in love with Kaibashira, by Chrissy Gardiner. Did a guage swatch and found that the fabric I got at the recommended guage, was too stiff for my liking. Went up a needle size and got perfect fabric, but guage was too big. Long story short, the beautiful ruffly cast-on became the bane of my existence. I ripped and re-knit THREE times before I gave up. This pattern has become my Eleanor. Maybe someday I'll catch her.
I love this yarn, though. It wants to be my New Favorite Socks. So I've got half of a plain vanilla sock knit up. I love the bright spots of color on the dark, night-sky background. The yarn is soft, but the nylon gives it durablity. Not to mention, the colorway name is dear to my heart--the name of my firstborn. :)
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